What is a Digital Experience Platform and how to use a DXP

Updated: February 12, 2021
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In order to accelerate growth and deliver better experiences to their customers, organizations are seeking to adapt to the digital transformation.

In fact, one of the major market changes in recent years is the focus of business activities.

If we look at the past, all marketing campaigns had the products or services as their main targets.

Now, all the attention is on the client, understanding their needs, and proposing the solutions that best fit them.

In this sense, the Digital Experience Platform is a type of software that should be understood and employed, generating new possibilities for entrepreneurs.

That’s why we created this complete post. Throughout the reading, you will find out:  

So, let’s get started? Good reading!

What is the Digital Experience Platform?

Just by analyzing the market, you can notice how the competition is stiff these days.

E-commerces can serve any person worldwide, with a lot of agility and yet delivering attractive benefits, both for the company and the consumer.

Even local companies, with physical and already traditional stores, can benefit from Internet resources to increase reach, enhance strategies, and significantly improve results.

However, with all these changes and resources, consumers have become more demanding.

No more forced sales, pushed by invasive marketing or an insistent seller.

People are looking for something beyond a simple product. They want a good experience, something that adds both knowledge and application.

In fact, many companies are using the connectivity and development of tools and resources to create new businesses, such as Uber and Airbnb.

They’ve created a way to connect supply and demand and, at the same time, offer a superior experience relating to the options that we, the customers, had before them.

Allied to this, different communication channels have been opened.

Today, companies are present on social media to maintain a good relationship with the public, follow trends and news, evaluate the competition, present their products, or even close sales.

So, a major necessity arises: to manage all these new interaction points in different access devices while offering good experiences to the clients. 

Besides all that, there is a need to capture, store, and interpret the data coming from such operations.

The Digital Experience Platform was created for this purpose. According to the definition of Gartner, a leading consulting and research company, the DXP is:

An integrated set of technologies, based on a single platform, which offers several target audiences consistent, secure, and personalized access to information and applications in various digital points of contact.

How did DXP come into existence?

Now that you have begun to understand what the Digital Experience Platform is all about, let’s talk a little about its emergence and evolution.

The first step was taken with the Content Management System (CMS).

This software is responsible for managing the information shared, whether images, videos, texts, or other media types.

However, we are talking about a single information center: the website.

So, new channels began to appear, and the brands noticed they needed to use these other possibilities.

In the face of this, Web Experience Management (WEM) emerged.

The WEM could share these materials among the communication channels, defining the audience and the buyer personas.

Then, as a natural evolution of the market and technology, the concept of omnichannel appeared. 

It refers to the use of different channels by the public so that the experiences remain pleasant and complementary.

From all this journey, the Digital Experience Platform was born.

This solution allows companies to value the sharing of information between the interaction points, while also focusing on meeting the audience’s needs.

In fact, the concern with the experience should be at the moment of purchase and throughout the whole journey. 

In other words, a good experience matters from the first contacts until the moment that the person becomes a promoter or defender of the brand.

How to implement DXP?

The first step to implement DXP is to do an internal analysis of your company.

As we have shown in the previous topics, this software aims to unite the digital presence of different areas and channels and transform it into a single concept.

So, if your company is not yet in a digital stage that is ready for this change, it is not recommended to have a Digital Experience Platform at this time.

Perhaps a CMS is already enough to meet the needs and start the journey towards more robust solutions.

However, if your company already has several points of interaction, very diverse and heterogeneous audiences, and a good involvement in the digital business, DXP can help you a lot.

Companies that offer DXP solutions in the market should be evaluated during choice.

Analyze the differentials and resources, but especially check if your company is ready for these changes.

Also, evaluate the focus of each solution.

Some market options are more focused on the customer’s experience; others are more directed to the digitalization of the company’s processes.

What are the benefits you can achieve?

Now, we will show some benefits you can achieve by relying on the Digital Experience Platform. Check it out!

Provides a better experience for customers

The main gain in deploying a DXP is that it has already become clear throughout this content, generating a more enjoyable experience and relating it to the brand.

The focus of all actions will be:

  • your audience;
  • your needs;
  • your expectations;
  • your goals.

All communication channels will be created based on this idea to serve consumers.

All of this makes the clients have a better perception of the brand, which increases their loyalty and brings new and recurrent purchases.

Still, new customers can be generated organically, by indication and testimonies.

It connects the communication channels of the company

All the company’s communication channels, be it website, social networks, applications, among others, will be connected, delivering a feeling of integration to users.

One of the problems already faced when creating different possibilities of interaction is the weakening of brand identity.

That happens because, in each channel, a different identity is displayed. Well, DXP can solve this problem.

Generates relevant data for strategic decision-making

With all communication channels connected, the data generated is optimized, creating a rich source of information.

You can generate a deep analysis of the target audience and segment it according to distinct characteristics and specific actions.

Optimizes processes and resources searching for better results

Finally, another benefit of implementing the Digital Experience Platform is the optimization of processes and resources.

The data generated is used in strategies, not only marketing and sales but also in the company, aggregating more results in each buying journey stages.

The internal processes will need to go through a reformulation following the digital transformation.

This increases the impact of results and generates significant gains in business profitability.

With the increase in interactions and possibilities, it is remarkable the need to rely on software that makes good management of information, collecting relevant data to add value and accuracy to strategies.

Therefore, as we have seen throughout this post, the Digital Experience Platform is a solution to keep up with the changes in digital transformation.

More and more people are connected, and organizations need to prioritize the offering of quality experiences.

To do so, it is necessary to think about the public’s requests, understand their characteristics, and provide the most appropriate content.

The Digital Experience Platform (DXP) is a set of technologies used to generate more possibilities for a brand’s different audiences, seeking to optimize their experiences and add more value to the business and its solutions.

So, ready to use DXP? How about continuing learning? Check out this post and find out 6 tips to run a solid Content Marketing strategy on tech companies!


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