Agencies Archives - Rock Content Content Marketing Tue, 28 May 2024 19:21:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Agencies Archives - Rock Content 32 32 Data-driven Agency Management: How to Implement This in Practice? Mon, 09 Oct 2023 18:18:25 +0000 I’ll be honest—I’ve never been the biggest fan of numbers.  When I first entered college, I chose communications, partly because I believed it would be a perfect fit for someone who wasn’t particularly fond of calculations—a typical misconception for a young university student. However, as I continued my studies and delved deeper into this field, […]

The post Data-driven Agency Management: How to Implement This in Practice? appeared first on Rock Content.

I’ll be honest—I’ve never been the biggest fan of numbers. 

When I first entered college, I chose communications, partly because I believed it would be a perfect fit for someone who wasn’t particularly fond of calculations—a typical misconception for a young university student.

However, as I continued my studies and delved deeper into this field, I gradually came to recognize that numbers are invaluable allies in any planning process. After all, how can one assess if they’re on the right track without the ability to measure outcomes?

Data-driven Agency Management

Well, understanding the importance of numbers and data is one thing. Feeling at ease working with them is quite another.

During my nearly eight-year tenure within communications agencies and consultancies, I’ve come to realize that I’m not alone on this journey. According to a Qlik survey, only 24% of decision-makers feel confident in their data utilization skills.

But here’s the thing—it doesn’t have to remain this way.

In this article, I want to share a bit about how I overcame my limitations with numbers and became a fully data-driven professional, and how I applied this in agency management.

I’ll also show you how you can do the same and, if you want, how to get extra help with exclusive management software for agencies.

Shall we begin?

Why and how to use data in managing my agency?

Among the most common mistakes observed in marketing agencies and departments, two prominent issues emerge: the challenge of accurately determining prices for the services provided and the struggles associated with distributing operational expenses, ultimately impacting the stability of financial forecasts.

Furthermore, difficulties in measuring specific data and the lack of information sharing among teams contribute to these complex scenarios.

In the midst of this vast sea of information, establishing metrics and, consequently, employing them for decision-making is not such a simple task.

Data-driven Agency Management

With numerous concurrent demands, multiple collaborators engaged in a single project, and often tight deadlines, streamlining workflows and rendering data manageable offer a pathway to make more precise decisions. This investment of time and resources can lead to process optimization and foster agency growth.

The numbers themselves speak volumes: according to the Insights-Driven Businesses Set the Pace for Global Growth report, companies that embrace a data-driven approach achieve an annual growth rate of over 30%.

So, how can you overcome the common challenges prevalent in most agencies and efficiently manage data for more confident decision-making? This is where implementing software can be highly beneficial.

The adoption of a system dedicated to agency management can contribute to:

  • Automating processes.
  • Enhancing decision-making.
  • Financial control.
  • Improved team management.
  • Enhanced customer relations.
  • Data storage security.
  • Scalability.

I faced countless challenges while attempting to measure data effectively and establish clear goals in my professional journey.

When I first encountered Studio in 2019, my initial thought was, “How valuable it would have been to have known about this tool earlier.”

Through it, I discovered how to identify new opportunities, leaving my insecurities behind and diving headfirst into the world of data-driven analysis.

Data-driven Agency Management

Making data-driven management even simpler

Well, Studio is essentially specialized software designed for comprehensive agency management, consolidating all aspects into a unified platform.

Through data analysis, offering more than 40 reports, it offers a unique opportunity to gain clear insights into situations that we would traditionally deem nearly impossible to quantify.

Let me illustrate with a few examples:

Measurement of time invested in each task

The time spent on a project isn’t always easy to measure accurately, which adds complexity to planning and may result in underpricing.

That’s why one of Studio’s standout features, in my opinion, is the timesheet. It precisely calculates how much time each employee allocates to various project stages.

Making data-driven management even simpler

Who hasn’t assumed that creating a design piece would be a breeze, only to find out it was more intricate than expected, with numerous client adjustment requests?

Moreover, revisions can be tracked within the Studio system, enabling agreements between the agency and the client, such as setting limits on the number of revisions or implementing charges.

This way, you can optimize your team’s workflow and further streamline your processes through reports like activity duration and monthly revision counts.

Cost calculation in a project, considering the hourly rate of the employees involved

Another common challenge within agencies is determining the team involved when assigning tasks.

Usually, we consider seniority and the workload. However, to what degree can the cost of each professional impact project pricing?

For instance, allocating specific tasks to junior employees can result in cost savings, allowing senior employees to take on more strategic roles in other projects.

By strategically distributing tasks among employees, it becomes easier to increase both the quantity and quality, and all of this can be measured through reports within Studio, such as Activity Duration X Cost.

Cost calculation in a project, considering the hourly rate of the employees involved

Analysis of which clients and projects demand the most time from the team

People in customer service know that there is always a customer who needs a little extra attention. That one who asks for more changes, takes longer to give approval, and sometimes extends the project’s timeline beyond the initial plan.

That’s why one of my favorite reports is the Customer Ranking, which allows me to evaluate the clients which my team spends the most time on, and whether these clients have truly been profitable.

Analysis of which clients and projects demand the most time from the team

Direct communication with the customer within the platform itself

Given that time optimization is a critical aspect of embracing data-driven agency management, fostering integration between departments offers a clear advantage. 

However, this approach shouldn’t be confined to internal departments; it should also extend to customer communication.

Efficiently saving hours of waiting for message responses, a quick “ok” through email, or even holding exclusive approval meetings can significantly enhance process efficiency.

The Customer Communication Module facilitates customer engagement within your team’s workflow, enabling them to directly approve or request adjustments through the platform.

Direct communication with the customer within the platform itself

Data-driven agency management is no longer a choice

In a landscape where any mistake can significantly impact your business and risks must be constantly minimized, making data-based decisions instead of relying solely on intuition is not just a choice; it’s a necessity.

Investing in software that streamlines data-driven agency management is choosing a path to growth while securing your actions.

Interested in seamlessly incorporating dependable data into your strategy? Request a free demo with one of our experts.

The post Data-driven Agency Management: How to Implement This in Practice? appeared first on Rock Content.

5 reasons to start using WriterAccess in your Marketing Agency Wed, 23 Aug 2023 18:15:54 +0000 Incorporating WriterAccess into your marketing agency empowers you to deliver exceptional content, boost productivity, and strengthen the brand presence of your customers.
And I’m gonna show you why!

The post 5 reasons to start using WriterAccess in your Marketing Agency appeared first on Rock Content.

As a professional who has been working with the public for almost 10 years, I can say that content creation is a fundamental aspect of modern marketing and communication strategies for marketing agencies.

In fact, 88% of marketers who already do SEO work plan to increase or maintain their investment this year, while Content Marketing was listed as one of the top priorities for Marketing teams in recent searches. 

With that in mind, you can see why meaningful content creation can fuel business growth and create lasting impressions in the minds of consumers. 

And that’s precisely why agencies strive to stand out in a competitive landscape and connect with their target audience. 

But, when you manage and are responsible for the content of many brands, from different niches and with distinct audiences, it can be very challenging to develop content that generates value for each of your customers

If you own a marketing agency or work in one, and this is an ongoing challenge for you, I’m happy to say that WriterAccess may be the perfect solution for you and your team.

Through its extensive talent network, the content marketplace platform enables marketing agencies to access a diverse pool of industry experts who can craft content tailored to their specific requirements.

It also excels in promoting collaboration between a marketing agency and its clients, making the content creation process more transparent and efficient. 

Not convinced yet? Let’s see the top 5 features that are particularly beneficial for marketing agencies:

1. Swim in a large pool of writers, designers, and content creators

As I said, WriterAccess provides access to a vast network of skilled freelancer professionals with diverse expertise. 

The versatility and flexibility of such professionals enable marketing agencies to cater to a wide array of content needs, be it blog posts, social media content, or industry-specific articles. 

Moreover, the availability of specialized writers in different industries ensures accurate and insightful content that aligns with clients’ specific requirements and demonstrates the agency’s commitment to delivering valuable information.

Full-service digital marketing agency RivalMind, for example, increased its content production by 67% because of that.

Before that, as explained by their Head of Search Marketing Strategy, it was difficult for in-house writers to maintain the content quality that clients needed and expected.

Same with the marketing agency InfoStream Solutions. They had a team of extremely talented in-house writers. 

However, as their COO explained, “No matter how skilled our [in-house] content writers are, it isn’t possible for them to have experience in all industries.”

Their in-house team used to spend large amounts of time conducting research for specific industry content, resulting in delayed project timelines and frustration

That all changed with WriterAccess: “We were very much drawn to that to save time and energy.” Partnering with a diverse pool of writers not only saves agencies’ time and resources but also encourages fresh perspectives and creative approaches to content creation. 

By leaving the writing tasks to professionals, marketing agencies can focus on core competencies and handle multiple projects simultaneously

Operating with a pool of freelancers on an easy-to-manage platform enables agencies to:

  • Reduce operational costs.
  • Unlock the ability to serve diverse clients with quality and speed.
  • Accommodate large deliverables.
  • Reallocate resources, as the agency isn’t tied to a fixed cost structure for the content production team, it can invest efforts and staff into more strategic activities, gaining a competitive advantage.

This seamless workflow contributes to content consistency, enabling marketing agencies to maintain a strong and recognizable brand identity for each client.

2. Save your time with content management tools 

WriterAccess provides robust content management features that streamline project organization, scheduling, and tracking, making it a comprehensive platform for marketing agencies seeking an efficient content creation process. 

One of the key aspects of its content management tools is the easy-to-use scheduling feature: marketing agencies can set deadlines and timelines for each project, ensuring that content delivery aligns with their client’s marketing strategies, avoiding delays, and ensuring a smooth content creation process. 

Additionally, the platform allows agencies to prioritize projects, allocate resources effectively, and manage multiple projects simultaneously, enhancing overall productivity. 

The project tracking feature, for example, empowers agencies to monitor the progress of each project, review drafts, and request revisions as needed, ensuring that the final content meets the agency’s high-quality standards and the client’s expectations. 

And if your agency is used to using spreadsheets to manage its content, WriterAccess can help you (a lot) to save your time and scale your production. 

The Bulk Report functionality brings much more convenience to your day-to-day life, as it allows you to upload CSV files and place your orders in bulk, instead of filling in the briefing of each content one by one.

Thus, you optimize your execution and gain time to invest in more strategic activities and with greater competitive advantage for the agency.

If you want, you can test the platform for free for 14 days and see all that in practice. 

The integrated workflow saves time and minimizes the administrative burden, enabling marketing agencies to focus on what’s most important: the customer.

3. Have a little help from Artificial Intelligence

WriterAccess offers a range of innovative AI-powered features tailored to meet the unique content creation needs of marketing agencies. 

The AI Persona Builder stands out as a valuable tool that assists agencies in generating different personas for the niches they serve: Based on key demographic and behavioral data, the AI can quickly create detailed and realistic buyer personas, enabling marketing agencies to craft personalized and engaging content that resonates with their clients’ potential customers. 

With the Persona Generator’s insights, marketing agencies can also fine-tune their content strategies, ensuring that their content speaks directly to the preferences, pain points, and interests of the intended audience, resulting in more effective and impactful marketing campaigns.

Another great tool is AI Content Wizard: After 5 simple steps, you will discover content opportunities that your customers are missing. 

That’s possible ‘cause, within minutes, the platform performs extensive content research and gap analysis to create blog post briefs designed to optimize your, and your clients’ blog ranking on Google.

Through information about your audience, competitors, keywords, and persona, WriterAccess is able to customize content research and gap analysis according to the business needs of each of your clients. 

Additionally, the AI-powered Writer Search feature empowers marketing agencies to efficiently identify the most suitable content creators for their projects. 

The AI Search feature evaluates the sample text you submit and identifies the most suitable writers based on their ability to match your unique tone and style. This ensures that you receive high-quality content tailored to your specific needs.

The Stylemetrics Matches results also facilitate the selection of writers with specific industry knowledge with an industry filter, ensuring that marketing agencies work with top talent to deliver exceptional content for their clients.

4. Enjoy the benefits of the White Label Portal for marketing agencies

The White Label Portal from WriterAccess is a powerful tool that empowers marketing agencies to enhance their brand presence and expand their content creation capabilities effortlessly. 

It serves as a “rebrandable” and customizable platform, allowing agencies to access a comprehensive suite of content creation services while presenting them under their unique brand identity

This level of personalization enables marketing agencies to maintain complete control over the client experience, presenting a consistent and cohesive appearance across all communication channels.

From submitting content requests to communicating with writers and approving content, the user-friendly interface fosters collaboration and reduces communication barriers between agencies and their clients. 

Gain a comprehensive overview of the workflow processes and conversations taking place between your agency and clients. 

Armed with this information, agencies can make data-driven decisions and refine their content strategies to achieve better results for their clients.

5. Integrate all of your content tools 

Integrating WriterAccess with third-party platforms offers remarkable convenience for marketing agencies, streamlining their content workflow and enhancing overall efficiency. 

By seamlessly connecting WriterAccess with Hubspot, WordPress, Google Analytics, and other systems, agencies can create a unified and centralized content creation process, eliminating the need to switch between multiple platforms, saving time and reducing the risk of data loss or miscommunication. 

Moreover, marketing agencies can leverage the features and capabilities of all platforms simultaneously, maximizing the benefits and enhancing the overall content creation experience.

Click here to learn more about WriterAccess’ integration with third-party platforms

As you can see, WriterAccess offers a myriad of benefits for marketing agencies seeking to elevate their content creation strategies and deliver exceptional results for their clients. 

By leveraging WriterAccess, agencies can navigate the dynamic digital landscape with confidence, establish themselves as content experts, and foster lasting client satisfaction, solidifying their position as leading players in the ever-evolving content marketing realm. 

And if you still don’t use WriterAccess in your marketing agency, now is the perfect time to give it a try: click here and start your free 14-day trial!

The post 5 reasons to start using WriterAccess in your Marketing Agency appeared first on Rock Content.

How to Create High-Quality Content for Clients From Different Industries? InfoStream’s Secret is WriterAccess Mon, 17 Jul 2023 19:35:23 +0000 Since 2008, InfoStream Solutions has been helping companies and organizations build and improve their online branding with specialized digital marketing, SEO, web design, and lead generation services. With approximately 30 clients representing a wide range of industries, InfoStream is often tasked with providing web copy, blog posts, and other written content as part of each […]

The post How to Create High-Quality Content for Clients From Different Industries? InfoStream’s Secret is WriterAccess appeared first on Rock Content.

Since 2008, InfoStream Solutions has been helping companies and organizations build and improve their online branding with specialized digital marketing, SEO, web design, and lead generation services. With approximately 30 clients representing a wide range of industries, InfoStream is often tasked with providing web copy, blog posts, and other written content as part of each client’s digital marketing strategy.

In January 2020, InfoStream made the decision to start working with WriterAccess, completely transforming their content creation processes and boosting their own credibility in the content creation space. And they haven’t looked back—relying on WriterAccess for up to 25 new orders per month.

We recently had the pleasure of speaking with InfoStream’s own Chief Operating Officer (COO), Andrea Simmons. In our interview, we discussed the unique challenges that led InfoStream to WriterAccess, what set WriterAccess apart from other platforms, and the results InfoStream has achieved as a result.

The Challenge of Creating Quality Content Across Industries

Prior to working with Rock Content’s WriterAccess, Simmons explains the challenges that InfoStream faced in delivering quality, specialized content to clients across a diverse range of industries. Content is a key element in their work—whether they are building a website, developing digital marketing plans for social media, or tackling SEO.

Before WriterAccess, InfoStream had a team of extremely talented in-house writers. However, as Simmons discusses, “No matter how skilled our [in-house] content writers are, it wasn’t possible for them to have experience in all industries. It wasn’t possible for them to know our clients or our client’s industries.”

As a result, InfoStream’s in-house writers were spending large amounts of time conducting research for specific industry content, resulting in delayed project timelines and frustration. Meanwhile, Simmons explains “We would lose credibility with our clients because, yes, we had a writer—but we didn’t know their business well enough.”

Enter WriterAccess: Managed Services, Specialized Writers, and Built-In Quality Control

Encountering these challenges, the team at InfoStream began looking into other options for content creation. They needed writers who would be able to create quality content for any industry as a means of boosting credibility and confidence with their clients while keeping projects on track.

They tried different freelancer platforms like Freelancer and Fiverr, but they quickly found that finding writers through these platforms was equally time-consuming because they needed to screen and select specialized writers for each client (and sometimes for each project).

Ultimately, InfoStream stumbled across WriterAccess and found that the platform had everything they were looking for to create quality content for their clients across every imaginable industry. The key differentiator, as Simmons explains, is WriterAccess’ Managed Services, a membership option that offers a dedicated point of contact, workflow management, and hand-picked talent for a company’s unique needs.

“We were very much drawn to that to save time and energy, and also have confidence in [the] product. Michelle has been our Managed Service provider since we started and it’s been fantastic. […] I’ve personally worked with her in the beginning and now she works with all the project managers, but she and I still have been touching base as we develop the relationship and the volume of the work we’re doing.”

Working with WriterAccess has not only simplified the process of finding specialized writers for InfoStream’s diverse client base but has freed up valuable time and improved quality control. With WriterAccess, InfoStream and its clients are able to get content that is unique and reliable with a quick turnaround time.

The Results: Reliable Writing and SEO Services

Since starting with WriterAccess in January 2020, InfoStream has placed more than 2,200 orders and is now able to provide reliable writing and SEO services in a credible and stable way for all of its clients. Having Managed Services alleviates quality control concerns and offers a consistency that improves their relationship and reputation with their clients. 

Meanwhile, InfoStream’s team members no longer need to spend their valuable time writing job descriptions and placing ads for individual freelancer writers to meet their content requirements. Instead, they can simply pass along what they’re looking for to their Managed Services provider and have access to qualified, hand-picked talent quickly.

Likewise, since using WriterAccess, every one of Infostream’s clients uses the company’s writing services—and the team is able to provide credible SEO services to clients as well. This has diversified their offerings and further solidified InfoStream’s reputation in the digital marketing realm.

And despite the current trend to turn to AI platforms like ChatGPT for content creation, Simmons maintains that the actual value of marketing content lies in its authenticity and its ability to speak to a customer’s pain points. As she explains, “We believe that there’s going to come a time when authentic content is going to be higher-ranked than something that’s AI-generated. […] We do believe in authenticity because, in the past, we’ve seen that win.”

With WriterAccess, companies like InfoStream get authentic, well-researched, quality content that they can feel proud delivering to their clients. And that’s what will set it apart from anything generated by a chatbot.

The Bottom Line

When InfoStream needed a diverse pool of writers to meet its clients’ wide range of content needs, WriterAccess was able to deliver. Meanwhile, the WriterAccess platform and the Managed Service offering continue to deliver, with approximately 25 new content assets created for Infostream each month. Now, what can we do for you? Get in touch to learn more or get started with a free demo today.

The post How to Create High-Quality Content for Clients From Different Industries? InfoStream’s Secret is WriterAccess appeared first on Rock Content.

Insights from the Best Digital Marketing Agency Websites of 2024 Fri, 17 Feb 2023 16:36:00 +0000 Marketing websites use content to attract users and hold their attention, even driving sales. Reviewing the leading trends, features, and best practices of the top marketing websites can guide new sites to great success.

The post Insights from the Best Digital Marketing Agency Websites of 2024 appeared first on Rock Content.

Keeping your website engaging and fresh in terms of web design is as critical as solid SEO to attract new clients. 

Website refreshes help prevent skilled digital marketing agencies from losing potential opportunities by not presenting a modern look that reflects their superpowers.

Every time you Google a question, you get an answer that links to a website. Why is that website there?

More often than not, the ultimate goal of the site is to sell you something. Even though it probably answers your question, it’s also trying to promote a product or service. This is known as a digital marketing website.

The idea is powerful and effective. You bring people to your site by answering questions, and they find out that you provide solutions to their problems for a fee. It’s known as content marketing, and it forms the backbone of the internet.

If you have ever wanted to know how to create a website that can make money, you are in the right place. From here, we’re going to explore what makes the best marketing websites and how you can apply these lessons to your own site.

    Key Features of Effective Digital Marketing Agency Websites

    Marketing websites want to hit six specific items on a checklist. Doing so improves performance, efficacy, the user experience, and the results generated by a site:

    • User-centric design
    • Clear value proposition
    • High-quality visuals and content
    • Strong calls to action (CTAs)
    • Client testimonials and/or case studies
    • Blog and a resource section

    Looking at each idea, a user-centric design should be easier to use and navigate. Nothing should be more than three clicks away from the landing page. This helps reduce load times and confusion when using the site.

    Value propositions show visitors exactly what they stand to gain from the website. These are your best selling points; if visitors do not reliably see them, you can expect sales and conversions to drop. If you want a strong example, visit Soundcloud.

    Visuals and content serve a few goals. First, they make the website more engaging and useful for visitors. People can find answers to whatever questions sent them to your site in the first place. If you achieve this, your content will also improve your website’s search rankings.

    Calls to action dominate marketing language. A website should have a purpose, and CTAs drive users to meet that purpose.

    Client testimonials and case studies help the site build trust and confidence. They show exactly how the service has already helped real people.

    Lastly, the resource section (including a blog) allows you to provide valuable information for users. It represents the site as a source of thought leadership and reliable knowledge.

    Examples of Top Digital Marketing Agency Websites in 2024

    You can look at a handful of effective digital marketing agency websites to see the above-mentioned ideas in action:

    Browse each site at your leisure to see how they compare and contrast. You will notice modern design philosophies, engaging visuals, and clear CTAs. Audience engagement, intuitive experiences, easy navigation, and case studies are easy to find in all five examples.

    Current Trends in Digital Marketing Agency Websites

    A few examples help to clarify what you have read so far, but there are still more concepts to explore. If you want to stay ahead of trends, it’s important to see what characteristics dominate digital marketing websites right now. Four trends really paint the picture:

    • Interactive elements
    • Personalization
    • Sustainability and social responsibility
    • Advanced analytics and performance tracking

    What kinds of interactive elements work well on websites? Calculators are a great place to start. Have you ever played with a mortgage calculator? Digital marketing agencies can use the same concept to demonstrate the value they add to all kinds of businesses.

    Other interactive elements might include chatbots, quizzes, questionnaires, or even games.

    The Ultimate Guide For Interactive Content

    Personalization changes the experience from one person to the next. With cookies and uploaded data, a site can call you by your name, highlight features or ideas that are most likely to matter to you, and above all, avoid wasting your time.

    Sustainability and social responsibility are tricky. According to the Harvard Business School, over 70 percent of Americans want to see social responsibility in companies. At the same time, many social responsibility topics touch on the political realm.

    Here’s the rub. The same study found that 25 percent of customers will absolutely refuse to do business with a company that gets an ethical idea wrong. So, businesses have to demonstrate responsibility while avoiding political polarity. It’s not easy, but when done right, it can yield significant benefits.

    On a lighter note, analytics and performance tracking are easily added to websites these days. The data reveals details about user behavior while helping site owners see what does and doesn’t work well.

    Best Practices for Digital Marketing Agency Websites

    Alongside trends, you can also consider the best practices for affiliate marketing websites. Three lessons stand above the rest: SEO, A/B testing, and consistent branding.

    SEO (search engine optimization) ensures that people can find your website through Google and other search engines. It often provides the most cost-effective way to drive traffic to a website.

    SEO also has some easy rules to follow. Don’t create or use spam. Instead, provide value to people who visit your site. Your content should clearly answer questions that users are likely to ask. That, more than anything else, will help you drive traffic.

    A/B testing allows you to meticulously analyze the user experience of a website. Various tests can create performance metrics for things like CTAs, headlines, and layouts.

    Success Through Content With WriterAccess

    So, how can you do it all? How do you make an amazing marketing website that generates traffic and good returns?

    It all starts with content, and that’s where WriterAccess can help. A comprehensive content creation platform, WriterAccess puts you in touch with professionals who do this stuff all the time. That includes writers, designers, and strategists.

    On top of that, WriterAccess has proprietary AI that can help you produce stellar content, just the way you love it. To add even more, WriterAccess offers the Humanizer. It’s a service that allows you to obtain affordable, quality AI-driven content that is “humanized” by a team of real, live experts.

    Whatever your content ambitions, WriterAccess can help you exceed them.


    No agency can be everything to every client. 

    But when agencies stand out from the crowd by creating websites that reflect their personality and what they do, they’re more likely to attract clients that align with their values and skill set.

    Successful digital marketing agencies blend captivating content that attracts prospects, utilizing proven design frameworks to engage visitors in an immersive experience that leaves them craving further information. 

    Not sure where to start? No problem! WriterAccess is the ideal platform to help you streamline your content production, combining the efficiency of AI-powered tools with the creativity of human writers.

    Why not give it a try today? Enjoy 14 days of free access to our network of expert writers and discover what great content can do for your business!

    Get Professional Writing Results with WriterAccess

    The post Insights from the Best Digital Marketing Agency Websites of 2024 appeared first on Rock Content.

    What is a Content Agency and How Can They Help Your Business Fri, 02 Dec 2022 08:28:00 +0000 These days, building and maintaining a solid online presence is a vital component of success for any business. If your business isn’t getting the results you’d like online, then working with a reputable content agency may prove the key to taking your content marketing strategy to the next level.

    The post What is a Content Agency and How Can They Help Your Business appeared first on Rock Content.

    These days, building and maintaining a solid online presence is a vital component of success for any business. 

    If your business isn’t getting the results you’d like online, then working with a reputable content agency may prove the key to taking your content marketing strategy to the next level.

    Content marketing offers every business the opportunity to build brand awareness, credibility, and trust – but only if it’s done correctly. 

    Let’s take a closer look at what exactly a content agency does and how working with one can help your business grow.

    What is a content agency?

    A content agency is a team of dedicated professionals that helps clients use digital content to achieve a variety of different goals. 

    The expertise offered by such agencies can help you overcome the fact that there’s now no shortage of competition when it comes to engaging viewers online

    In their recent 2022 insight report, the Content Marketing Institute revealed that 51% of respondents said that it had become more difficult to capture their audience’s attention over the past year alone. 

    A content agency can help ensure that your digital marketing efforts are effective:

    • Increase awareness of the products or services your business has to offer
    • Demonstrate why customers should choose your business over your competitors
    • Convert leads into customers
    • Promote customer loyalty and engagement

    What’s the difference between traditional and digital content agencies?

    The term “content agency” generally refers to an agency that focuses on digital rather than traditional marketing. 

    Traditional marketing agencies use things like billboards, TV commercials, or print advertisements to win over customers for their clients.

    A digital content agency, on the other hand, might use anything from online articles and infographics to videos, eBooks, and social media posts to help you convert customers. 

    Additionally, a content marketing agency usually offers services like email marketing and search engine optimization (SEO).


    According to data from Demand Metric, 90% of all organizations now use content in their marketing efforts. 

    Digital marketing offers businesses several unique perks over its traditional counterpart:

    • Digital marketing is often much more cost-effective
    • Paid online content can be targeted and delivered to customers who fit your buyer persona
    • Digital content knows no geographic bounds
    • Digital marketers can use analytics to gauge ROIs and perfect their strategy
    • Online content offers brands the chance to actively engage with their customers

    How do you choose a content agency?

    Content agencies come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. So how do you choose the one that’s right for you?

    There are several things you’ll want to look for to make sure an agency’s goals align with your own:

    • Focus and expertise

    What part of your content strategy do you want to focus on the most? Maybe you want to focus on written content or blog posts.

    After all, studies show that companies who blog get 67% more leads each month than their non-blogging competitors. 

    In this instance, you may want to look into a content writing agency.

    Other agencies focus on niches such as social media, videos, e-commerce, and more. If you’re looking to go all out, you might go with a full-service content agency that covers all the bases.

    The usage of well-round marketing tools like the Content Cloud is also an important aspect to pay attention to.

    • Credibility and reputation

    Not all content agencies are created equal. Keep in mind, content quality plays a huge role in getting your site to the top of Google SERPs.

    That’s why it’s vital to do your research into an agency’s past work, clients, and reviews. If an agency doesn’t make this information readily available, consider it a huge red flag.

    • Solid work ethics

    A good agency should be transparent about everything from its communication process to its rates. 

    They should also have a zero-tolerance policy for things like plagiarism, spammy content, log-quality content, and other factors that could tank your Google rating.

    • Size and budget

    Creative content agencies come in a range of different sizes and it’s important to find one that fits your business’s needs.

     If you own a small chain of regional stores, then there’s no need to go straight to the biggest content agency in New York City.

    There are plenty of smaller agencies where your business is likely to get far more attention for a lower rate. 

    The key is to find the best content agency that offers everything you need at a price you can afford.

    Top content agencies that can help your business grow

    Finding the right content agency for you will require a bit of research. But we’ll point you in the direction of several top agencies to help you get started.

    Here are several leading agencies and the niches they’re known for:

    • Jives Media: Small but mighty content agency known for an impressive number of awards
    • Titan Growth: Best for ROI-driven SEO and paid content
    • Brandefy: Top video marketing agency
    • KeyScouts: Best B2B inbound marketing agency for tech companies
    • Fractl: Full-service agency that specializes in research-based content
    • Siege Media: SEO-focused agency that can help your brand scale effectively
    • Brafton: Large international creative content agency with a solid reputation for data-led content strategies
    • S&G Content Marketing: Specializes in branding and customer engagement

    Want to cut out the middleman?

    A recent survey by Statista revealed that 81% of marketing professionals outsource the writing of their client’s content. Outsourcing writing assignments such as blog posts and articles to freelancers is incredibly common, even among the best marketing agencies.

    Would you prefer to work with talented freelance writers, editors, and directly? Sign up for a free 14-day trial at WriterAccess by Rock Content.

    An award-winning content platform, WriterAccess can connect you to some of the industry’s top talent at a fraction of the cost you’d pay the average content agency.


    The post What is a Content Agency and How Can They Help Your Business appeared first on Rock Content.

    The Pros and Cons of AI Content Writing Wed, 30 Nov 2022 09:56:00 +0000 AI content writing is a new form of technology that can knock out new content in seconds. But don’t start passing out layoff notices before you check out these pros and cons of AI writing tools.

    The post The Pros and Cons of AI Content Writing appeared first on Rock Content.

    From checkout attendants to factory workers, these days, it seems like few jobs are safe from the impending threat of a robot takeover. 

    Recently, a stream of content-writing tools has been popping up online offering to help users scale content production.

    But is AI content writing destined to force human writers into the shadows of history? Which AI content tool is the best and should you give it a shot?

    We’ll give you the scoop on the pros and cons of AI writers to help you decide for yourself.

    What is AI content writing?

    AI writing tools are pieces of software that are designed to craft human-like content using complex algorithms. Rather than spending hours researching a particular topic, AI content writing tools will automate the marketing process by scanning the web for relevant information related to the subject of your choosing.

    There are now AI writing programs that can produce all manner of content, such as:

    • Blog posts
    • Articles
    • Listicles
    • Emails
    • Social media ads
    • Product copy and descriptions
    • Outlines
    • And more

    Many AI content writers are even equipped with fancy tools that automate things like SEO and language considerations for specific geographic areas.

    Which AI tool is best for content writing?

    Gone are the days when finding a robot capable of effortlessly crafting content was preposterous. Now, your biggest problem will likely be choosing from the many options available.

    While finding the best AI content writing tool for you will likely depend on your specific goals, here’s a collection of some of the top choices worth checking out:

    • Rytr – provide a few details to generate anything from free blog ideas to song lyrics
    • Writesonic – create SEO-optimized content for blogs, ads, emails, and everything in between
    • Frase – geared more towards SEO and content marketing
    • GetGenie – a great choice if you’re looking for an AI writer that works with WordPress
    • Hyperwrite – a free, impressively human-sounding tool that’s available as a Chrome extension

    Will content writers be replaced by AI?

    Not completely – at least not yet. While some of the best AI writing tools can whip out content with impressive speed and accuracy, they still rely on human input.

    Even the snazziest automated writing tools still need human guidance as far as selecting formats, subjects, and other major components. Another factor to take into consideration is that not all AI writers may be able to back up their lofty promises of launching you to the top of Google’s search results.

    Google’s recently updated policies indicate that AI-generated content produced specifically as a shortcut to the top of the SERPs will be flagged as spam. The policy also assures crafty marketers that their AI writing bots are no match for Google’s AI-detection bots.

    So are AI content writing tools worth exploring? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.

    The pros of AI content writing

    The recent popularity of many AI content generators indicates that they’re definitely not without their benefits. Here are a few of the most popular arguments for the pros of AI content writing tools.

    • Idea Generating Assistants

    Anyone who has ever suffered from a case of writer’s block can’t deny the appeal of having a computer step in and provide a little backup. When viewed as writer’s assistants rather than replacements, AI writers don’t sound quite so menacing.

    After all, not all AI writing programs are designed to do 100% of the work for you. Many will also produce outlines, headlines, or content that you’re free to edit or change however you like.

    • Quick and Cost-Effectiveness

    Not everyone can afford to hire a full marketing team. Small businesses looking for a quick and easy way to generate copy may find AI writing software an affordable solution.

    • Mimic High Performers

    AI content writing tools don’t just pull their ideas out of nowhere. They crawl the web looking for successful pages related to the type of content they’ve been tasked with producing.

    They will then generate original content based on top-performing pages surrounding topics likely to appeal to your target audience.

    The cons of AI content writing

    Despite their convenience, there are many reasons that AI content writing tools didn’t replace human writers overnight. Here are some cons of AI writers worth considering.

    • The Human Element

    AI writers may have killer grammar skills, but human emotion just isn’t built into their non-existent DNA. While they’re great for churning out technical content, don’t expect them to show a lot of personality or go the extra mile to nail your brand voice.

    Human writers may just stand a chance for the same reason that there are still human cashiers alongside self-checkout machines. There’s just something more personal about chatting about the weather with a Target cashier as she bags your impulse buys.

    • Ethical Concerns

    In late 2022, an AI art generator called Lensa debuted a new “magical avatar” setting that initially took social media by storm. It wasn’t long, however, before controversy erupted over the sudden swarm of AI-generated user selfies.

    The bottom line was that, in order to create original AI masterpieces, the app relied on online images created by human artists. The same principle applies to AI content writing tools – while their content is technically “original,” it’s actually re-spinning the work of human writers.

    • Plagiarism and Quality Concerns

    As much as Lensa claimed its AI images were 100% unique, users were quick to point out artist signatures that snuck their way into its pieces. The same concerns are valid when it comes to AI content-writing tools.

    While many tools include plagiarism and grammar checkers, a simple error could cost you when it comes to search engine ranking results.

    How Is the Scenario Changing, and Why Should Your Company Care About Good Copy? 

    The digital marketing industry is changing all the time. Your business needs to learn how to connect with your customers among those changes to stay ahead of the curve and stay viable. 

    Digital marketing has many tactics that you need to know in 2023. They include things such as:

    • Pay-per-click advertising
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Blogging
    • Social media marketing

    When you start looking closer, it can be truly overwhelming to see how much you have to do to promote your brand and stay relevant in a space where content is key.

    Fortunately, there is a simple solution to the overwhelming amount of content your company needs: Hiring copywriters. Copywriters produce your company’s content for social media, press releases, newsletters for email marketing, blogs, and even your ads. Good copywriters can meet your SEO requirements and help your website rank well among competitors, which helps you reach more customers. 

    Creating content regularly and en masse is one of the best techniques to get your brand known. That’s a challenge when you have only a single person running your business or have no writers in-house. Luckily, there are hundreds of copywriters working in the industry today who can help with your content.

    Whether you need to keep a blog updated, want to focus on social media marketing, want help with optimizing your current content, or are creating marketing content for affiliate marketing, professional copywriters can get your content on track and give you an opportunity to get your brand seen and supported. 


    Learn How to Win More Leads With Good Content

    One of the best ways to get good leads (and to get more of them) is to use excellent content to market your brand. Generating qualified leads with solid content (as well as content promotion) can help set your business apart and get you on track to have a better year with a higher ROI. 

    What is good content, though? Well, that depends on your audience. It needs to be straightforward, has a hook, and be informational or entertaining. Some of the options you can use include video content, copywriting on a blog or website, and search engine optimization to help it all get seen. 

    Get Seen With Video Content

    The first kind of content to look into is video content.

    People love watching videos, as you can see evidence on platforms like TikTok and Instagram (reels). 

    Video content with a strong message and solid hook can be an excellent way to reach thousands (or millions) of viewers and bring in leads by the bunch. On many platforms, you can set your videos up to forward people to your storefront or website. You can also set up playlists or groups of videos to keep them scrolling through your content, which makes them more familiar with your brand.

    You can hire a copywriter to put together a script for you, too, which could help you produce better content over time without the slowdown of ideation.

    Boost Your Blog With Solid Copywriting

    Whether you have a landing page or you run a busy blog, good copywriting is a fantastic way to get more leads and see a real difference in your company’s ROI. As we mentioned, posting regularly makes a difference and can quickly build your audience.

    Knowing that you need a copy to make your brand stand apart, you have to ask the question, “What makes a good piece of copy?”

    The answer is simple:

    1. The content speaks to the audience to give it information or answer a question it has.
    2. The content is persuasive. 
    3. The piece meets Google’s preferred SEO guidelines, making it easy to find the content online. 
    4. The piece has a hook or call-to-action phrasing that encourages the audience to take the next step, like calling your business or signing up for a service. 
    5. The content has solid research, so it’s accurate and timely. Evergreen content, which is content that is applicable every time of year, is beneficial when updated and refreshed on occasion. 

    These are some of the key points that help a piece of the copy stand apart. Your marketing team needs to have a specific message in mind for your audience that the copywriter can focus on, and then, when they do, you’ll find that your audience is willing to listen to you as an expert in your field. 

    Hiring a single copywriter or, if you have the budget, a team of copywriters can help keep your content updated and interesting. Check out the writers at Writer Access to find writers at all price points willing to work with you to help build your brand.

    SEO-Balanced Content

    Finally, don’t forget that you should develop SEO-balanced content.

    While people often think about optimizing their content with keywords, one thing you don’t want to do is make your content poor by stuffing it with keywords. Think about the keywords that actually apply to your industry or topic, and do the research to find the four or five main keywords that apply to this piece of content. 

    Mix up your keywords. For example, if you sell Honeycrisp apples and run an orchard, try short-form keywords like “apples” and “Honeycrisp.” Add in longer-form keywords like “Honeycrisp apple recipes,” or “Honeycrisp apple orchard.”

    You can also have long-tail keywords like “Find a Honeycrisp apple store near me.” You will want the keywords you choose to be reasonable. The writer should be able to put them into the content fluidly, so the keywords don’t make it harder to read. 

    How Can Your Company Hire the Best Copywriters?

    Now that you know how to create good content and what that content will look like, think about how you’re going to get that content built out. 

    In our opinion, the best option is to turn to a company like Writer Access to hire copywriters. Why? When you hire copywriters, you:

    • Give yourself more time to work on other tasks, like developing your brand or interacting with feedback
    • Receive strategic content marketing tips. For example, good copywriters will have suggestions on content that works at this time of year or can help develop the content to work toward a goal (like getting prospects to make a purchase through the marketing funnel).
    • Get a clear copy every time. These are professionals. As professionals, they know what works. They can tell you what kind of content is doing well and how it should be laid out. You get the final say, but hiring a copywriter can take jumbled thoughts and turn them into content others understand easily.

    Before you try to hire copywriters, remember that your company needs to define its goals. You will need to put together a brief to go over what you’re looking for and to clarify your needs.

    Some things you should start doing now include:

    • Determining your budget
    • Deciding what kinds of projects you need help with
    • Deciding if you have to use someone in your industry or if anyone with writing skills could produce the content (the cost can vary accordingly)
    • Determining your target audience
    • Putting a strategy in place, so you use the content you purchase effectively. 

    After you decide to hire copywriters, it is time to find them. This search can take a little time, and content takes time to develop, so start early.  

    Where Can Your Company Find Qualified Copywriters?

    If you’re looking for copywriters who are highly qualified to speak on your industry or to work on your content, you’ll love browsing the writer profiles at Writer Access. When you sign up, you’ll get a free two-week trial that lets you see who responds to your casting call. 

    Why is that important? Not only will you save yourself money and avoid spending it during the search phase of your content project, but you’ll also get to read and learn about those who are professionals in the field of copywriting. Plan to send out test articles to one or two of your favorites to see who hits the mark best, or set up a team of writers to help you knock out content quickly and easily.

    There is no better place to start if you want the process to be quick and easy. So, whether it’s for a content refresh or a completely new landing page, the writers at Writer Access are there to help. 

    Wrap-Up: Want a human alternative to AI content writing tools?

    Whether you choose to check out AI writing tools or not, it’s nice to know there’s a human alternative available. Streamline your content without supporting the robot takeover with the verified human freelancers available at WriterAccess.

    Start your 14-day free trial today at WriterAccess to access top writers with absolutely no plans to overthrow humanity.


    The post The Pros and Cons of AI Content Writing appeared first on Rock Content.

    The Benefits of Freelancers for your Content Writing Agency Wed, 30 Nov 2022 09:28:00 +0000 Content writing is a big business, and if you're working to run a content writing agency, it can be tough to handle the demand all on your own. We'll take a look at why working with freelancers makes sense for most content marketing agencie

    The post The Benefits of Freelancers for your Content Writing Agency appeared first on Rock Content.

    Content writing is a big business, and if you’re working to run a content writing agency, it can be tough to handle the demand all on your own.

    You may be grappling with the question of whether it makes more sense to hire full-time staff writers to help you meet the demand of your clients, or if it’s a better idea to work with freelancers to scale content production.

    Here, we’ll take a look at why working with freelancers makes sense for most content marketing agencies, and what to look for when you’re searching for the right freelancers to add to your network.

    What is a content writing agency?

    Web content writing isn’t easy. Blogs, articles, front-facing website copy, white papers, social media posts, and case studies all have their own nuances that can make the process of creating great content time-consuming.

    A content writing agency is a business that offers writing services for any content that is meant for customers or potential customers. A content writing agency works with businesses to provide them with the digital content (or print content) they need to get the attention of their target market.

    Some content agencies focus solely on providing their target market with copy (written content), while others focus on creating other types of media for businesses, such as videos or podcasts. 

    Working with a content agency allows businesses to free up valuable in-house resources by allowing content writers with best-practice knowledge to handle creating the copy that will draw in business from the web.

    If you’re thinking about creating a content writing agency, you’re making a smart move. 

    While the idea of writing for a website was a niche job just two decades ago, today, openings for content writing professionals are on the same average trajectory for growth as other jobs in the United States. 

    This means businesses are on the hunt for people who can create effective content.

    What are the most reputable content writing services?


    We know–we’re biased, but we’re excited to tell you how we can help your content writing agency get the highest-quality copy for your clients. 

    We aren’t just here to meet your content writing needs. We’re a full digital content platform that can provide you with the designers, editors, and writers you need to boost your clients’ online performance. 

    Plans include unlimited revisions, allowing you to get the content you need.

    With affordable pricing and carefully screened talent, we’ll work with you to help you find the right freelancer for the job, whether you’re looking for a graphic design overhaul or SEO-optimized blog posts. 

    Click here to learn more about how we can support your content writing agency.

    Word Agents

    This SEO-aligned content creation hub allows you to order up to 10,000 words with a 7-day turnaround, making it easy for you to create full websites (including articles and blog posts) for your clients quickly. The site works with American writers, so you’ll know that you’re getting an English speaker when you place your order.

    With Word Agents, you’ll get two rounds of revisions by your writer, allowing you to make the adjustments necessary to get the perfect piece of copy before you put it in front of your client. You’ll also get keyword optimization services through Word Agent, allowing you to get rid of the guesswork that’s often involved in figuring out the keywords most likely to draw in your target market.

    Content Cucumber

    Content Cucumber matches you with freelancers who understand SEO best practices, allowing you to work with content that makes your site more likely to appear in top search results for your target market.

    With your Content Cucumber contract, you’ll get to choose from three different plan options, with the top tier allowing you to place orders for up to 2,000 words per week. You’ll also get to work with a single editor and writer, allowing for continuity within your content. Plans include free revisions.

    3 benefits of freelancers for content writing agencies

    1. Get writers who fit the niche of your clients.

    When you only work with in-house writers, they’ll often be expected to become experts on certain types of businesses within a short time frame in order to meet the needs of your clients. When you work with freelancers, you’ll have a large pool of writers to draw from, allowing you to find writers who are already familiar with your clients’ industries. This means that your freelance writer can spend more time writing and less time researching, allowing you to get the right content at a fast pace.

    2. Pay for what you need.

    When you have in-house writers on your team, you’re paying them a salary no matter what your content needs. When you choose to work with freelancers, you’re only paying for the work that you need, when you need it. This means that you can decide when it makes sense to keep content writing in your budget, and when you need to cut back.

    3. Get careful editing to perfect your content.

    When you work with in-house writers, the editing typically falls on your shoulders, which can be tough if you don’t have experience as a writer. When you work with a freelance agency, you’ll get fully edited articles, blog posts, and web content that’s ready to publish.

    Our writers can take your content writing agency to the next level

    Not sure where to start? No problem! WriterAccess is the perfect platform to help you streamline your content production, combining the efficiency of AI with the creativity of human writers.

    Why not give WriterAccess a try today? Sign up now and get 14 days of free access to our network of expert writers. Discover for yourself what great content can do for your business!


    The post The Benefits of Freelancers for your Content Writing Agency appeared first on Rock Content.

    The 8 Most Insightful SEO Agency Blogs You Need to Follow in 2024 Thu, 30 Jun 2022 19:26:00 +0000 Having the right tools is essential for business growth and cooperation between teams. Enterprise project management software helps you achieve your goals and makes team collaboration easy.

    The post The 8 Most Insightful SEO Agency Blogs You Need to Follow in 2024 appeared first on Rock Content.

    When it comes to digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) is still one of the most reliable methods to drive traffic to your website. 

    The numbers back up this statement, as 68 percent of all online experiences start with a search engine. Also, B2B marketers overwhelmingly (61 percent) say that SEO marketing generates more traffic than other methods.

    One of the primary challenges of SEO, though, is keeping up with Google’s algorithm updates. 

    As you probably know, Google dominates the market, with over 90 percent of all searches starting on its platform. 

    No other search engine comes close, and that figure is unlikely to change anytime soon.

    So, what can you do as a business or agency that needs to stay up-to-date with algorithms and SEO best practices? 

    Fortunately, tons of blogs and websites are dedicated to SEO, so all you have to do is follow them.

    Even better, we’ve compiled a list of the top 9 SEO agency blogs that can help you maximize your return, so you don’t waste time or energy on strategies that don’t work.

    Why Follow an SEO Agency Blog?

    If you’re new to the world of SEO, following top-tier blogs can give you valuable insight into things like:

    • Algorithm Updates – Google keeps its algorithm a closely-guarded secret. However, the company does provide some general information about these updates when they occur. Agency blogs can digest this information so you can turn the programming into actionable steps.
    • Keyword and Search Trends – How people use search engines today is much different than how they did a few years ago. Also, the types of keywords your clients want to rank for may shift and adapt based on people’s needs. Reading these blogs can help you understand where the next trend is coming from so you can get ahead of it.
    • Best Practices – SEO is far more than just adding a few choice keywords to your pages. The entire process is very detail-oriented and can be time-consuming, depending on the size of your site. An SEO agency blog can help you understand how to build your client’s pages, so they’re optimized while still creating value for their audience.

    Top 9 SEO Agency Blogs

    There are literally dozens of different blogs out there, and some of them focus on all aspects of digital marketing, not just SEO. 

    However, we believe that these are the top-rated sites for optimization. 

    As a marketer or agency, you can stay ahead of the curve by following one or all of these blogs.

    Neil Patel

    Neil Patel has been writing his blog since 2005, so he has almost two decades of experience and insight. 

    This blog isn’t just focused on SEO, either – he does deep dives into a wide variety of marketing topics.

    What we like about Patel’s blog is that he breaks down each concept into more understandable terms. 

    So, instead of hitting you with a bunch of jargon and expecting you to know what he’s saying, Patel keeps it simple. 

    This writing style makes each blog post ideal for beginners who may not know much about SEO and digital marketing.

    Because Patel has been in the game for so long, he offers some incredible insight you won’t get from other sites. 

    He’s seen how digital marketing has changed over the years, so he has a unique perspective. Basically, no matter where you’re at with your marketing goals, Neil Patel’s blog can help.

    SEMrush Blog

    As you’ll notice on this list, many SEO agency blogs come from digital marketing companies. 

    Although you may not be trying to hire these companies for marketing, the blogs give you insight into the competition.

    SEMrush is a leading SEO marketing firm that also handles all other aspects of digital promotion. 

    This blog works well for beginners and experienced marketers because it explains the essential elements of optimization. 

    Once you’ve established a strong foundation, you can look at the blog for insight and recommendations on leveraging that optimization to get more traffic for your clients.

    SEMrush’s blog has been around for a while, so be sure to scroll through its archive for helpful information.

    Google Search Central Blog

    Because Google holds the highest market share of searches, it makes sense to read the company’s blog. 

    After all, you know that the information is up-to-date and accurate because Google is the one creating it.

    That said, this blog can be a bit technical and heady, so we only recommend it if you know SEO terms

    If you’re still learning the ropes, you’ll want to come back to this blog once you’ve mastered a few techniques.

    Another advantage of reading the Google Search Blog is that each article relates directly to Google search results. 

    So, if you’re primarily focused on SEO, you don’t have to scroll through irrelevant information about other marketing tactics.

    MOZ Blog

    MOZ is another leading expert in SEO strategies. As you may imagine, the MOZ blog is insightful and up-to-date because the agency uses the tactics it promotes in its blog.

    One way that MOZ stands out from other SEO marketers is that it also focuses on local optimization. 

    If your clients are running a brick-and-mortar business (i.e., a restaurant or retail shop), these posts will be extra valuable. Since local searches can make or break a business’ bottom line, it pays to know how to rank higher in those results.

    Overall, this blog is a mix of beginner and intermediate-level information. 

    Some articles are geared toward industry insiders, while others can help marketers at all stages of their growth and development.

    Search Engine Land Blog

    If you’re already familiar with SEO and want a blog that gives you more than just the basics, Search Engine Land is an excellent choice. 

    This blog is geared toward agencies that need more insight than just how to write title tags. These articles also span across platforms and niches, such as social media and e-commerce.

    Overall, this blog works well if you have a decent SEO foundation and are looking to boost your marketing strategies with specific changes. 

    This blog is not designed for newbies. Blog

    Since this blog is from, you know it will focus solely on search engine optimization. 

    However, unlike other blogs that speak generally, focuses on specific industries.

    For example, one article may be about how SEO can help dental offices get more patients, and another blog could be focused on locksmiths. 

    This kind of granular approach helps all sorts of businesses understand how to apply these tactics to their industry. 

    As a marketer, this information can help you connect with your clients. While’s blog is not comprehensive, it’s updated regularly, so there’s always a reason to come back.

    Stan Ventures

    For website owners, SEO enthusiasts, and experts, Stan Ventures blogs are an indispensable resource.

    They provide a wealth of insights on the latest SEO and digital marketing trends, crucial for staying competitive.

    The blogs offer actionable advice, from cutting-edge techniques to practical, real-world applications of SEO strategies.

    These blogs often delve into the latest algorithm updates, content marketing strategies, and link-building techniques that can make a significant difference in how a website is perceived by search engines.

    By leveraging this up-to-date knowledge, readers can adapt their strategies to maintain or improve their search engine rankings, ensuring they remain competitive in their respective industries.

    Clicta Digital Blog

    Clicta Digital is another marketing agency that offers a wide array of services for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

    As a result, this blog covers most of the basics and provides insight into how to utilize various strategies. 

    For example, if you’re new to Google Analytics, you can read a post about leveraging that data for better optimization.

    Overall, this blog works well as a generic repository of SEO information. 

    Clicta Digital also seems to favor online and e-commerce businesses more than brick-and-mortar operations.

    SEO Service Agency Blog

    Our final SEO blog is another generic option from a digital marketing agency. 

    Posts cover the basics of how to leverage SEO to build traffic, but some articles are a bit more niche. 

    SEO Service Agency is mainly focused on generating as much traffic as possible, so posts tend to focus more on that than other aspects of SEO. 

    There are also some great posts discussing how social media can influence optimization and web traffic.

    Top SEO LinkedIn Influencers to Follow

    While blogs can give you lots of actionable advice and information, they can only go so far. 

    Following SEO influencers on social media like LinkedIn gives you more perspective. Also, these platforms allow you to receive updates and tidbits in real-time rather than waiting for a new blog post to drop.

    Here are our picks for the top three LinkedInFluencers talking about SEO.

    Shama Hyder

    Hyder is the CEO of Zen Media, which is a pretty big player within the world of digital marketing. 

    Hyder has been very active on social media from the beginning, so she knows how to share bite-size nuggets of information. 

    She has also worked with some of the biggest brands in the world, so she knows a thing or two about how to scale up different marketing strategies.

    Rand Fishkin

    Fishkin is one of the founders of MOZ, meaning he’s well-versed in SEO tactics. 

    While he’s mainly focused on his new venture SparkToro (a research engine), he still dabbles in SEO.

    Neil Patel

    Patel is super active across the board on different sites and social platforms. 

    If you follow his blog and his LinkedIn profile, you’ll get even more insights and tidbits on how to grow your business. 

    Again, Patel focuses on all aspects of digital marketing, but his takes on SEO are super valuable.

    Boost Your SEO With Top-Quality Content From Rock Content!

    While SEO elements like title tags and meta descriptions help, you need high-quality content for your visitors. 

    Otherwise, you’ll have a much higher bounce rate, and it won’t matter how optimized your pages are or not. 

    WriterAcess offers access to a myriad of established freelance SEO writers that are well versed in all things SEO. Optimize your content with freelance writers today.


    The post The 8 Most Insightful SEO Agency Blogs You Need to Follow in 2024 appeared first on Rock Content.

    Learn How to Get SEO Clients That Fit Your Agency Thu, 12 May 2022 13:54:00 +0000 SEO is an essential concern for any digital-age business, so a well-run SEO agency has a bright potential future ahead of it. But attracting and landing the right clients is a must. Here’s a closer look at how to get SEO clients that are genuinely right for your agency.

    The post Learn How to Get SEO Clients That Fit Your Agency appeared first on Rock Content.

    A successful website and online presence are more than just a good idea for a modern business. 

    It’s an essential part of helping a target audience build a relationship with that company’s brand, products, and unique voice. 

    However, even the best companies won’t get very far if no one can find them, and that’s where SEO comes in.

    SEO agencies like yours have their work cut out for them when it comes to helping other companies knock their digital marketing strategies out of the park. 

    But don’t assume that because all digital-age businesses need SEO, they’d make equally appropriate clients for your agency.

    Attracting, winning, and retaining the right clients is essential to running your agency well and doing the best job possible for the companies that trust you with their livelihoods. 

    Here’s what you need to know about how to get SEO clients that are a perfect fit for your roster.

    1. Start small and scale up later

    When an SEO agency is just starting out, it can take some time to develop a groove and discover which types of projects are truly the best fits. 

    This is often easiest to do while working with smaller companies, startups, and local businesses.

    Such companies may have smaller budgets, but they also bring a lot of potential to the table — something a growing SEO agency could really use. 

    Use these initial projects to build a reputation and grow your body of work. Then, when you’re ready, use that experience to land more prominent clients who can really boost your MRR (monthly recurring revenue).

    2. Turn your site into a content machine

    Many agency owners spend so much energy worrying about how to get SEO clients to trust them with their companies that they completely forget to invest in their own websites. 

    Your agency’s website is the best tool you have in your arsenal, so make it everything it needs to be to drive targeted traffic.

    Use your own stellar SEO skills to propel your key pages to the top of the SERPs. 

    Fill your on-site blog with compelling, informative content written to serve the types of clients you’d like to have. 

    Keep your sales funnel in mind as you do so, and be sure to create content for leads in various stages of their unique buyers’ journeys.

    3. Entice leads with free SEO audits

    Spend much time networking with other service providers in the SEO niche, and you’ll see just how many agencies and marketing pros absolutely refuse to do free work under any circumstances. 

    However, while that might make sense on paper, those agencies are missing out on a golden opportunity to connect with highly convertible potential clients.

    Offering new clients a free SEO audit is a terrific way to break the ice with them, introduce them to your services, and show them what your team can do. 

    The average SEO client may know they need help, but they don’t really know how badly. 

    An audit can clue them in, as well as provide the perfect opportunity for you to explain how you’ll fix things.

    4. Leverage your LinkedIn presence

    LinkedIn can be an absolute godsend when it comes to how to get serious SEO clients to notice your agency. 

    But it’s important to employ the right technique. After all, every LinkedIn user knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of someone’s spammy, overzealous outreach attempt, and you don’t want your prospective clients to feel that way about you.

    Instead, use your presence there to create and showcase incredible LinkedIn content that informs, entertains, and inspires potential clients. 

    Set yourself up as an industry authority on SEO, and use your unique brand voice to forge real connections with people who could benefit from your services.

    5. Master the art of the pitch

    An agency’s go-to pitch technique can really make or break its ability to land high-quality SEO clients, so it’s crucial to get yours right. 

    Keep in mind that effective pitches accomplish specific objectives like the following:

    • They introduce the agency and touch on its accomplishments to show authority.
    • They clearly and concisely spotlight each of your abilities and skills.
    • They express in detail what work done will entail, as well as outline a clear plan for putting SEO strategies into action.
    • They leverage powerful case studies as social proof that your team can get the job done right.

    You may also wish to break your pitch down into portions and present it over a couple of separate calls or consultations to avoid overwhelming a lead with too much information at once.

    The first call should be primarily about getting to know the potential client’s company and prime objectives. 

    Offering a free audit is a solid way to close. Use the follow-up call to counsel the lead on possible strategies and showcase how your agency can help.

    6. Consider niching down

    Even if you’re running one of the best SEO agencies on the entire web, you can rest assured that you’re far from the only option in town. 

    However, most of those options will be offering generic, catch-all SEO services that look, sound, and seem just like everybody else’s.

    Choosing one or two areas to specialize in is a must when it comes to how to get SEO clients that are perfect fits for your agency. 

    Niches and specialties help an agency stand out and showcase what its team members are most passionate about.

    So what are you best at? Maybe you’re a whiz at creating head-turning guest blogs and penning incredible press releases. Or perhaps you’re a serious ace when it comes to technical SEO or email outreach. 

    Shine a spotlight on the areas where you do your best work, and watch the potential clients line up around the block.

    7. Cultivate beneficial partnerships

    Running a successful agency is about more than knowing how to get SEO clients to sign on with you in the first place. 

    It’s about cooking up a viable strategy for scaling what you do in innovative ways that genuinely benefit your clients. Partnering with other businesses is one way to do this.

    SEO services often go hand-in-hand with related options like graphic design, copywriting, social media marketing, and web development. 

    Clients looking for one of those services often find they also need one or more of the others, but no service provider can viably be everything to everyone.

    Consider partnering with other digital service providers and referring clients around to one another when it makes sense to do so. 

    Offer a commission or other incentive as a show of good faith, and watch your client base (not to mention your professional network) grow. 

    It’s a win for everyone involved, especially the clients.

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    8. Embrace opportunities to educate online

    How to get SEO clients that love what you do and are likely to stay with you over the long haul is all about winning people’s trust and proving that you know your stuff. 

    One of the more effective ways to do that is to become an online thought leader by seeking out and leveraging online opportunities to share what you know.

    You don’t necessarily need to be a major internet personality with a huge following to make a splash this way, either. You just need to know your stuff and be willing to share it.

    Information-sharing social platforms like Reddit, Quora, or Medium make incredible options for would-be thought leaders, as they come with built-in audiences who are already engaged and looking to learn a thing or two. 

    Share content that speaks to your expertise, as well as engage with the rest of the community to maximize your results.

    9. Implement a solid email outreach strategy

    No strategy for generating leads or attracting new clients can possibly be considered complete without email outreach

    Email has been around nearly as long as the internet itself, and it remains one of the most popular, practical ways for brands to stay in touch with both existing and potential customers.

    There are many ways to open up an email correspondence with a lead. Some companies have good luck with a cold email approach, but most get even better results implementing an opt-in strategy. 

    This way, you know you’re dealing with highly convertible people who have already shown an active interest in your work.

    There are many ways to capture emails for your list, including exit pop-ups that prompt website visitors to subscribe before they leave and informative blog posts that end with clear calls-to-action

    Free educational resources, personality quizzes, and similar options make great ways to grow your list, as well. Be creative!

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    At this point, you know a bit about how to get SEO clients to notice your agency and help them believe in what you can do.

    But growth isn’t something you focus on just once before sitting back and enjoying the ride. It’s an ongoing pursuit for any successful SEO agency, and great content is the key to helping you smash your business goals.

    Ready to take things to the next level, boost your bottom line, and send your reputation soaring out of the park? 

    Check out our recorded webinar on how to boost your content performance

    Find out what it takes to create content that converts, discover how to add impact to your content with buyer personas, learn the benefits of various content types, and more!


    The post Learn How to Get SEO Clients That Fit Your Agency appeared first on Rock Content.
