What is Link Juice and how it impacts on digital strategies

Updated: May 29, 2022
What is Link Juice and how it impacts on digital strategies

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Many important factors impact the ranking of a website on Google. Some of them are well known and are always on the radar of professionals who work with SEO

However, the less experienced may not be properly aware of Link Juice.

This technique is associated with one of the main criteria for articles to be in a good position regarding the algorithms: the links in the content.

To make the most of this strategy, it is essential to understand more about Link Juice, what returns it brings, and how to use it.

In this content, we will cover:

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What is Link Juice and how does it work?

In the position of an average user, you always find a series of links within the text of a web blog, right? 

This practice enriches the reading experience by offering related content, but it does much more than that.

These links have a positive impact on the way Google ranks websites.

Link Juice is nothing more than the portion of ranking optimization that each link transmits to the landing page.

If you have a post, and there are links to other pages in it, a part of your ranking potential — called PageRank (PR) — is being distributed among each of these redirects to other sites on the internet.

Sites use this link building feature, precisely, to have more authority. If a page has several links in its content, it becomes better evaluated by Google’s algorithms. Thus, these links must be to content that makes sense, such as posts on related topics.

Imagine that your company needs search engine optimization, and, for that, you get links to a more renowned site in the segment.

To take advantage of the good ranking of this partner domain, it is necessary that it makes adjustments so that your site collects all the PR of qualified ranking. 

The Link Juice is like the “juice” of ranking that the page hosting the links transfers to their destination.

The distribution of Link Juice

One of the most important points of Link Juice is the distribution of the ranking portion since, without it, this concept makes no sense. SEO professionals need to understand that each link used in a post transfers a part of that ranking.

This generates an impact on the destination site, but it is something that can be controlled. 

The source page, which is hosting the links and transfers the portion of the ranking, can limit how much is directed to each destination content.

This helps to achieve a more controlled distribution, respecting the strategies.

To perform this limitation, just use the “no follow” attribute associated with each link in which the site does not wish to take advantage of Link Juice. 

In practice, it works as follows: the more links, the less PR will be distributed among them.

A prominent and powerful site can offer a very valuable PR to links; however, if it has 10 addresses on a page, the PR will have to be divided among all. If there are only 5 links, for example, the portion of PR distributed among only 5 destination pages is much larger.

The impact that distribution generates

You may be wondering, after all, what is the purpose of limiting which pages receive more PR? 

The answer is simple: not all links used need or should necessarily receive a portion of the Link Juice that the page can offer.

Think of a blog post that talks about a trend and, to make the content richer, the publication uses sources for the data. Of course, linking to the study is necessary, but this address should not necessarily receive the company’s Link Juice.

Another important point is possible unintended waste. Links such as addresses, contact, login, and terms of use do not need to be ranked on Google, so why offer a portion of the PR to them?

The attribute “no follow” limits this distribution of Link Juice in a strategic way, optimizing the SEO work through these links. The same happens for those addresses with real value that need the PR to be better evaluated by Google’s algorithms.

The ranking is more valid and well-used to direct links to products, related blog posts, partner pages, content offerings, among others. The internal contents themselves can take advantage of this — just insert links to other blog or site pages.

Link Juice relation with keywords

Keywords are important elements within an optimization strategy, being one of the foundations of SEO. 

The more effectively and in greater quantity these terms are used, the better a page will be evaluated in front of the search engines.

Thus, you can take advantage of keywords when distributing the PR by merely doing the link building on these terms. 

If they are in the title of your post, for example, the chances of a high PR are much higher. For that, the goal is always to use more fluid sentences in the text, making this link more natural.

Imagine you have a running shoe business and is conducting a Content Marketing strategy. In one of your posts, you have the opportunity to talk about the importance of impact mitigation in racing, directing this topic to the link of a partner.

There are several ways to make this link building. However, there are a few recommended sentences, such as: “Click here to learn more about the importance of impact absorption in racing”.

You generate a link that, despite offering PR, does not communicate with a keyword used in the content.

The best way to do this is to use softer sentences to the content. Something like linking the term in bold, as in: “impact absorption is fundamental to a healthier race”. 

Linked keywords generate a more powerful PR for the landing pages!

How to get more Link Juice?

You have already understood what Link Juice is, how it generates PR, and how limiting use helps qualify the percentage distribution.

However, it is also essential to know how to generate more Link Juice in the contents since you can offer it to other pages or use this optimization through partners.

For those who have pages on the web, working from both perspectives is fundamental to generate authority and take advantage of links on other sites and improve ranking.

Here are some practical tips on how to get and enjoy more of Link Juice!

Create quality content

Amid so many possibilities of SEO parameters, the quality of content is one of the most important and most difficult to be met.

It’s no use having good links, friendly URLs, and using the keyword well if the page content is bad. This is the most important factor in ranking, especially in blog posts.

In order not to fall below what is necessary, focus on some qualitative parameters that classify good content:

  • originality;
  • relevance;
  • usefulness;
  • delivery of what is promised in the title;
  • theme aligned with the site or blog;
  • formatting with good scannability.

These are some simple rules when generating content on the web. If your post meets all these parameters, automatically it will be well-evaluated and ranked by Google algorithms. Thus, Link Juice increases a lot and offers good opportunities.

Invest in Digital Marketing strategies

A website depends on advertising and marketing investments to gain more visibility. The organic flow is very important and should be valued; however, the investment in paid advertisements generates more prominence in front of the public.

The more relevant and visible the site is, the more authority it has on Google.

Of course, this means that this page has more Link Juice to offer, distributing an interesting PR rate. To reach this level, it is important to invest in sponsored ads, explore Digital Marketing, make yourself present on social media, and maximize your SEO strategy.

The continuity in this quest for prominence to the page will always leave it in evidence, increasing its traffic and strengthening your Link Juice.

Work on audience segmentation

As you have seen, good content is the first step of everything and directly influences on page segmentation. 

It is very important to generate good posts and position the pages to be visible to those who really interest, that is, the buyer persona. Segmentation is an extremely valuable parameter in SEO.

The more a page can communicate with the people to whom the content is directed, the more authority it gains. The tendency is that Google understands this as something positive and generates a much higher ranking. 

All this work results in a better Link Juice to offer.

Work with guest posts

guest posts on rock's blog

The exchange of links is very important and strengthens the authority of sites in the same segment. 

Besides, other practices, like creating guest posts, generate great value for marketing strategies

Through it, it is possible to develop the content of your segment and see it posted on the blog of a partner.

The first impact is to bring more audience to your site, especially if this post’s destination place is a blog that has authority. This way, you will also be able to reach a larger audience base, becoming better known in the segment. Consequently, this influences your Link Juice.

When you produce outstanding content for a relevant site, you attract more traffic for your domain, making your PR even more powerful. So, always be in touch with possible partners in the segment!

Offer products for reviews on websites

Many blogs and websites usually review specific products and services. A good example is the technology segment, where computers, smartphones, and other devices are evaluated.

There are also reviews of games made by blogs and other sites specialized in this area.

A good strategy is to send products so that these specialists and important vehicles of the segment can do reviews. 

This way, you caught attention to what you sell and attract qualified traffic, composed of people interested in the product — and that maybe even ready to buy.

More positive reviews represent more visits, conversions, and prominence in Google’s ranking. 

This whole scenario, of course, can only result in more Link Juice for your pages!

How to discover the Link Juice offered in your content?

Link Juice should be analyzed more deeply. After all, how to know its real value? 

All these tips for increasing it are very useful and work in a concrete way; however, it is essential for those who work with SEO to measure this percentage of PR offered.

The follow-up is just one more of the common routines of the optimization work for the search pages. Understanding the Link Juice allows you to improve and make the correct control using “no follow”.

Some metrics help you get a deeper insight into how Link Juice is working.

For this, some tools and algorithms can be important, like Google PageRank. Even so, only Google has access to these numbers. It is for internal use to distribute the PR’s effectiveness to the Link Juice of each web page.

For SEO professionals’ general use, the tools help with more specific metrics such as Domain Authority, Citation Flow, and Domain Flow.


They help to understand how Link Juice is performing in general. For these and other indicators, you can use tools such as:

Link Juice should be taken into consideration for pages that want to control the PR they offer, besides being fundamental for those who want to optimize their ranking.

Now, you understand the subject better and are ready to work with this SEO parameter in your strategy!

There are many ways to convince other sites to create links directing their audience to your pages. One really valuable tip is to use interactive content to get more backlinks. Check out our post on the subject!


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