Animated Infographics: An Innovative Way to Engage Your Audience

In this article, you will find information on what are animated infographics, their benefits, and how to start investing in them.

Updated: October 26, 2023
animated infographic

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You probably know this by now but one of the best ways to get the audience’s attention on the Internet is by using infographics in your content. What you may not know is that you can make it even more engaging by creating animated infographics.

Common infographics have been working with all types of public for years but that doesn’t mean it can’t get better.

Going to animation mode will make your content pop out and have some of the benefits that are usually reserved for video marketing. It’s kind of the best of both worlds.

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To fully understand how to use this tool and make the best results out of it, you have to get a grasp on everything that surrounds it. Keep reading to learn all about animated infographics:

What are animated infographics?

Information is much better perceived when we have a way of visualizing it. In this case, there are not only imagery, illustrations, charts, and other visual elements — there is also movement. You have certainly seen that a lot online.

GIFs are the most popular type of file, besides videos, that have movement. The whole internet is filled up with them. That format can be used when creating infographics, as well as other artifices. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves: the point is that you can see for yourself how important and widespread motion content is.

Animated infographics are a method of exposing valuable info for your audience simply and effectively, while you keep them entertained. If done correctly, it can be a great differential for your brand.

Why invest in animated infographics?

There are several reasons why this is an amazing tool. Just like your content has a purpose, the same works for the infographics within. Therefore, let’s see how it can work alongside your business planning, assuming you already know how to define the scope of a project.

First of all, you have to see things through your client’s perspective. What do you think is easier: remembering written data and numbers, or recollecting a visual representation? What if some of that material stands out, wouldn’t it be even simpler to recall specific information?

If you plan to provide content that shows your brand as an expert or an authority, that kind of approach is very valuable. An animated infographic will engage the audience and help you uplift the company’s reputation.

It’s also a great way of showing case studies, getting more brand exposure, and adding to online campaigns. You can use good design to attract and convert leads or to improve customer loyalty, depending on your goals. Don’t forget to always focus on providing effective client communication.

How to turn your old infographics into animated ones?

If you already have some infographics up your sleeve, it can be a good idea to try and reuse them with this new technique. There are a few ways to do it, as long as the right graphic design software is used professionally.

You can identify key elements and highlight them, not necessarily transforming the whole art into an animated one. The result will be an easy-going design, pleasing to the eye, and still keeping the same components and outline.

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From Visually.

It is possible to remake the infographic into a GIF, using the same idea of highlighting a few elements or making the whole design a new animation. Either way, modular design is the best way to do it.

Last but not least, you can create a video based on an old infographic. It may require more work but videos receive the same, if not more, attention. If your data is still relevant, creating a new video with it can be amazing for you and your audience.

How to create innovative animated infographics?

Whether you want to get old designs back to life or create new ones, we bet you want to make it as innovative as possible. Follow these tips to give the public what they deserve!

Find the best story

Infographics are just ways of telling a story. Even if the data sounds boring, you can always make it look nicer if you work on your creative thinking skills. Discover what your audience wants to know and you will already have a good story to tell.

Choose the right voice

As usual in any content you provide to your clients, you must find the right tone before speaking out. Be solid to what the brand is all about but don’t forget to be accessible and simple for people to understand. The secret is finding the balance between showing what an expert you are and talking in the same language as the reader.

Limit the data

When you do research and get a bunch of information, it may sound exciting and you might feel like the world needs to see it all. However, too much data can ruin an infographic, so be careful! You can have a separate document with everything else that didn’t make it to the design if you want.

Be professional

Of course, you will be professional when handling this or any other marketing tool but what we mean is that creating animated infographics is not such an easy task. Getting it done poorly can cost you the investment, so analyze the best course of action before making anything from scratch. Outsourcing might be the best option.

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