The Future of Blogs: Is AI Revolutionizing Content Production?

Can AI content generators produce content that’s good enough to use immediately, or is there still a need for the human eye to ensure quality and accuracy? Is an AI blog really the answer to all your content creation prayers?

Updated: May 16, 2023
a women on her computer with the words AI

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Content creation is vital for any marketing plan to be successful. In fact, it’s not possible to market at all without great content.

However, content production takes time and effort. It can be extremely challenging to keep coming up with new ideas and talking about the same topic over and over again without things starting to feel stale and repetitive.

Many business owners eventually find that they simply can’t keep up with content creation and the demands of running their business and accept that they need help.

This involves either hiring employees to do the content creation tasks or using a content creation platform such as WriterAccess to find quality freelancers who can write posts to order.

However, with the arrival of artificially intelligent content generators, it’s possible for businesses to save time and become more efficient in creating their content.

But the question is, can an artificial intelligence (AI) content generator produce content that’s good enough to use immediately, or is there still a need for the human eye and a professional writer to ensure the quality and accuracy of the content?

Is an AI-generated blog really the answer to all your content creation desires?

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    What Is the Importance of Digital Content Production?

    Before you start thinking about handing your content creation over to AI, let’s first take a look at how important content production is in this digital age.

    Content is at the heart of every marketing plan.

    Your digital marketing funnel or flywheel is literally built on having the exact right content for the right potential customer at the right time. You can’t generate leads and convert them without excellent content.

    You need content for your blog, your website, business directory listings such as your Google Business Profile, social media, email marketing, paid ad copy, text message marketing, e-brochures, e-books, lead magnets…the list goes on.

    The right content can persuade, convert, inform, appeal, build trust, establish you and your business as leading experts in your field, entertain, build a community of raving fans, educate, and so much more.

    Every business relies on quality content to show potential customers what they can do and how they can help. They use content to show the differences between them and their competitors.

    They make offers and provide discounts and sales by producing content showing what’s available and how much people are saving on costs.

    We aren’t exaggerating when we say that you can’t market at all without great content.

    So, can you really entrust something so vital to an AI content generator? Let’s find out.

    How Can You Use AI Content Generators?

    AI has become a really hot topic recently, and it’s, at least in part, because of AI content generators. Some examples are the free AI blog generator from Simplified, another blog post generator called Copy AI, and the big one everyone is talking about, ChatGPT from OpenAI.

    These tools can take a few prompts and keywords and build a whole blog post or article in seconds. These AI blogs can even be tailored to a particular audience to help you create content that works for your target customers.

    So, how can you use an AI content generator to the best of your advantage? Here are just a few ideas:

    • Use a generator to come up with topic ideas, questions your audience might ask, the answers to those questions, and general inspiration.
    • If you’re stuck on writing a blog post and can’t think of how to organize it, an AI content generator can help you overcome writer’s block, either by writing a post for you or by creating a detailed outline and some key points for your post.
    • You can use AI to help you generate title ideas and ad copy.
    • AI can even help you with your SEO by suggesting keywords.
    • If you have existing content, your AI generator can rewrite it and help you repurpose it, perhaps, for example, compiling several blogs into an e-book for you or producing a video script from a previously written article.

    As you can see, there are numerous ways you can use AI content generators to speed up your content creation and get inspired.

    There’s More Going on Than Just Blogging and Content Generation. 

    Google announced its new AI chatbot, Bard.

    Meanwhile, Bing has integrated with ChatGPT to bring us AI-assisted search, and Google AI has also announced new features that will automatically create titles, text, and ad copy for AI-powered search ads.

    There’s still a way to go in terms of factual accuracy in AI content generation, but it is an incredibly exciting time to be involved in content creation and marketing.

    While all this sounds (and is) amazing, there are, of course, things to bear in mind.

    We’ve written before about the AI paradox where AI content generators can both enhance our own human creativity while at the same time making a commodity out of creativity, and that’s just one of the things to consider when it comes to using AI for writing blogs or other content creation.

    For human content, you’ve also got to have human input.

    You can’t typically use what AI gives you straight out of the generator. It’s not good enough content and may not be fully original either, and you can’t risk using anything of poor quality or copied content for your business.

    After all, AI doesn’t have emotions. It can only understand a certain amount of context, and it struggles very much with working out search intent.

    Considering how important Google thinks search intent is when ranking content, we can’t recommend that you use an AI content generator alone without having a professional content writer look it over and ensure that it answers search intent fully as well as being well-written, polished, accurate, and plagiarism-free.

    The Human Touch

    We’re not yet at the stage where humans can be disposed of altogether when writing content, and we can’t see a point where they ever will be.

    AI generators can manage simple topics that are very black and white, but it’s only humans that can really grasp the shades of gray and subtleties that are so often involved in creating high-quality content.

    AI may also struggle to write anything that needs true expertise in a particular subject. As for true emotion, to date, no AI generator can match what a human can create.

    That’s not to say you can’t make great use of AI content generators as a tool, but you still need the human touch for a fully finished, professional result.

    We have been following the progress of AI content writing on our blog. Here are three articles on AI that may interest you:

    What Are the Advantages of Using These Technologies?

    From our short list of what’s possible with AI blog writing and content generation, you can probably see some of the advantages already, but here are a few more:

    Error Reduction

    While to err is indeed human, it’s not so helpful when you’re trying to create error-free content without spelling mistakes or other errors.

    AI can help you polish your content and create an error-free blog post or any other type of content far more quickly than you can on your own.

    You do have to bear in mind that, currently, AI generators aren’t completely error-free, either.

    They are prone to making up “facts” and producing content that’s not accurate, so everything you get from an AI content generator is going to need human proofreading.

    Nevertheless, AI is still a big help to content creators in reducing errors and producing a better first draft.


    AI can literally produce a blog post in seconds.

    While it’s still going to need human intervention to be good enough to publish, imagine the sheer scale of that if you apply it to your own content creation.

    You can feed all the topics and ideas you have into your AI content generator and then watch as it produces article after article.

    It will also come up with more content topics and keywords for you to help you fill out your content calendar in no time.

    You can’t publish that rapidly generated content as it is, but it really does give you the chance to produce far more content than you could on your own.

    For small businesses in particular that don’t have a huge content marketing team, AI can be a godsend.

    Time Saving

    We’ve certainly hinted at the amount of time you could save when talking about scalability, but it is a fact that you could use AI to generate hundreds of topic ideas in seconds.

    You can then take each topic idea and produce a list of title ideas for each topic.

    When you’re ready to write, plug in your topic idea and title and you’ll get an outline with good keywords in seconds, saving your content writers hours of time.

    If you really want to, you can then use that outline to create your first draft of your blog post and then find a real human on your team or your content creation platform to polish your post and make sure it flows organically and is error-free.

    Your friendly human content writer can then create a final, fully-edited article that’s ready for publication.

    How Can WriterAccess Help with Content Production?

    WriterAccess has over 15,000 talented and experienced writers, as well as editors and proofreaders. It’s also powered by AI as a complement to the human work. The truth is: you can’t replace that kind of knowledge and experience with an AI chat generator.

    These technologies should help us speed up and smooth out the content production process. But these generators can’t replace what an experienced content writer or editor can do.

    • You still need human writers to expand AI-generated outlines and key points into full articles.
    • No AI can insert emotion and context or shades of gray like a professional human writer.
    • A human must check every AI-generated article for accuracy and plagiarism.
    • Expert human writers are necessary to write about technical topics that need full understanding from a professional in the field.

    When only the real thing will do, WriterAccess can help you find the very best writers for your company.

    We can help to smooth out your workflow and create powerful content that’s optimized for search engines and written to match search intent. We can also provide you with editors and proofreaders to ensure plagiarism-free and accurate content.

    By all means, make the most of AI blogs and content generation. Use these things as the tools they are. Then, scale your content production with AI-powered technology to match you with vetted writers to help you hire freelancers to write blogs for you.

    Why not experience our platform with a complimentary two-week trial and get access to vetted content marketing professionals to amplify your strategy?


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