What is enterprise content strategy and how to put it into practice

In this article we talk about enterprise content strategy and how to do it right!

Updated: August 11, 2021

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An enterprise content strategy brings numerous benefits to any organization that decides to use it, including the reduction of ad blockers’ impact on B2B marketing campaigns.

According to a survey published by Statista, 25.8% of internet users had ad blockers enabled on their devices in 2019. For marketers, it means that their banner advertisements do not reach one-quarter of the audience.

The usage of this type of tool tends to grow as consumers become more demanding and less tolerating of ads that pop up on their screens since they do not trust them and have security concerns.

It does not mean that paid advertising is ineffective. However, building an enterprise content marketing strategy can increase your chances of achieving your company’s marketing goals and avoid the action of ad blockers.

Keep reading and understand what is an enterprise content marketing strategy, the most common types, and how to implement it on your organization and manage its results.

What is enterprise content marketing?

Enterprise content strategy provides relevant content to a company’s audience, focusing on its specific pains and needs, to build a rapport with it, and improve the results of the marketing campaigns.

It can be used in all stages of the customer’s journey since it is adequate to create brand awareness, educate the audience, build credibility, and nurture leads, for example.

An enterprise content marketing strategy is specifically designed for large-size companies (with more than 1,000 employees), considering its needs, budget, challenges, and teams. So, there are substantial differences between a content strategy for a small or mid-size business and an enterprise.

For instance, the content strategy is usually more complicated at the enterprise level. One reason is that there are more aspects to take into account while building a marketing campaign, more significant risks, and more professionals involved in the decision-making processes.

Besides that, sometimes it is necessary to coordinate efforts across the organization — from the marketing team to sales and customer success. This requires some changes in the business’ processes that allow integration between distinct departments and teams.

Moreover, the types of content are also different because they are created based on the audience’s profile, which is significantly distinct, primarily when the organization is focused on the B2B market.

What are the most common types of enterprise content strategy?

An enterprise content strategy can include several types of content. To build a successful one, it is essential to choose the appropriate ones according to your goals and the target audience.

Discover some of the most common types of content to use on your enterprise’s strategy.

Social Media Content

As reported by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), in 2019, 94% of the marketers who responded to the survey produced content for social media, such as stories and tweets. It is useful to attract new leads, present your brand, services or products.

In addition to that, social media content, along with blog posts/short articles, is the most effective type of content to build brand awareness for 28% of marketers, according to the same CMI study.


It is interesting to use videos on an enterprise content strategy because they are easy to consume and share, among other benefits.

You can use videos for several purposes, such as:

  • present your company’s story, values, mission, results;
  • explain how your services will help the audience;
  • explain concepts connected to your business’ services.

Depending on how you use videos in your strategy, it is possible to boost brand awareness, build trust and educate your audience.

Blog Posts

They are extremely helpful for all stages of the sales funnel. By exploring topics that can be associated with your field of expertise, your company succeeds in nurturing your leads and driving them through the funnel, from awareness to conversion and post-sales.

Blog posts will educate your audience, bringing valuable content that will help them solve simple problems or understand a specific subject, for example.

It is also interesting to point out that you can embed other types of content within the blog posts to make it more compelling — images, videos, infographics, and quizzes.

Case Studies

This type of content is the second most effective to convert leads, as suggested by the CMI’s report released in 2020.

Case studies present your customers’ success stories, showing the problems and pains they had before recurring to your solution, how your company helped, and which results they accomplished.

In other words, they demonstrate how your solutions work and their efficacy to achieve what your organization proposes. As a result, your audience has a clear idea of how it will be like to choose your services and is more likely to trust your brand.

White Papers

To discuss complex subjects, one great idea is to use white papers. In this type of content, you can explore in detail a topic within your field of expertise.

They are based on original research and data from reliable sources, providing trustworthy information, and bringing valuable content that truly helps your audience.

Consequently, your company proves its value, demonstrates its expertise (boosting brand authority), and attracts prospects, among other benefits.

Interactive Content

Almost all types of content can have interactive features, that is, offer to the audience the opportunity to consume the content actively.

Interactive content grants your audience the freedom to move through it according to what is more relevant and spend the desired amount of time in each section.

It is a way to make the enterprise’s content more compelling, which helps to attract more leads and engage your audience (according to CMI, 66% of marketers affirmed that interactive content increased engagement).

How to put your enterprise content strategy into practice?

Next, we will show you the necessary steps to develop an enterprise content strategy and execute it.

Build a plan

Planning, as you probably guessed, is the first step to start your enterprise content marketing strategy. In this stage, make sure to:

  • establish your company’s marketing goals;
  • define which types of content will be created;
  • set dates;
  • indicate how your company will measure the content performance and the strategy’s results;
  • determine who will be responsible for each task;
  • get to know your audience to build a precise buyer persona.

Create the content

Once you have gathered all this information, it is time to create the content itself. In most cases, it is necessary to use specialized tools to do so.

At this moment, it is ideal to look for a content marketing company that provides quality service, assessing and helping its customers to put the content strategy into practice, including content creation.

Some agencies offer content marketing platforms, which facilitate the process, allowing the customer to create content, distribute and analyze the results easily.

Outsourcing your content marketing campaign will not only increase the quality and possibilities of success but also let your teams focus on other relevant tasks that only they can execute.

Distribute and promote the content

After creating the content, it is time to choose the appropriate channels to distribute it and come up with a promotion strategy.

The choice naturally depends on the type of content, the audience’s profile, and the strategy’s goals.

For example, if your audience often uses LinkedIn and your company wants to explain a complicated subject, then posting stories on Instagram will probably not be as effective as publishing a written piece of content on LinkedIn.

Measure and analyze the results

To evaluate the efficacy of your enterprise content strategy, it is vital to measure the content’s performance and analyze the results it brings to your company.

Some resources you can use to understand these points are metrics, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and content marketing ROI.

On the topic below, we will explain what you can do with these results.

Banner Content Marketing Report

How to manage its results?

The results you gathered will be useful to understand which pieces of content performed better, which tactics were most effective and what exactly they brought to your company — for instance, increased engagement, conversions, sales, and ROI.

They will also indicate which aspects of your enterprise content strategy did not work according to the plan or had unsatisfactory results.

For these reasons, your company must analyze them carefully to keep investing in what helps it to achieve its goals, discover what to do to move to the next level, and enhance the strategy.

How can Ion Interactive help you build an enterprise content strategy?

To create quality enterprise content that genuinely helps your company to achieve its marketing goals, Ion Interactive offers a full set of services performed by skilled professionals of several fields and tools to facilitate the whole process.

Ion’s solutions cover all the stages of a content marketing strategy — strategy planning, content creation and distribution, and measurement of results. In addition to that, Ion allows your company to create innovative interactive content with ease.

Therefore, with Ion Interactive by your side, your organization will have everything it needs to build a successful enterprise content strategy.

Visit our website to discover how Ion Interactive can help your company to improve your content marketing strategy and understand all the services we offer.


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